Sep 05 2018
Lan attended our trouser making workshop in April and has accomplished a lot since then and in such a short time…..I think she has the sewing bug.
Before the workshop she bought rather a lot of this fabric from our online shop and also emailed in to let me know she was smaller than the size range we mentioned on the workshop details
The below email from Lan explains what she did with all the fabric……
Thanks for the Trouser workshop and the pretty fabric, just to let you know that the techniques I learned from the workshop have inspired me to create dungarees for my daughter and two dresses for myself. Thanks for your instruction and I hope to join one of your workshops soon.
Even though we graded the trousers down a size, we still had to adjust the trousers a lot to fit her small frame. So she did a great job on her own to get such wonderfully fitting dresses and how adorable does her daughter look?
We look forward to seeing you again soon Lan. Find the next trouser making workshop here.
A six-month subscription to Love Sewing Magazine is on the way to Lan